Thursday, 25 January 2007

Whose turn to chill out?

No amount of cajoling could convince my son that I wanted to see the News on TV.

He was right in the middle of the 60-minute evening slot his strict mother had allocated him every day (30 minutes for Maggie and the Big Beast and another 30 for Ruby and Max).

Apparently both of these were big hits with children of his age.

My blissful ignorance of how important programmes of this ilk were to the child population of this country had no effect on my son.

“It’s my turn daddy and not yours,” he said in all the seriousness a four-year old could muster. “After me, it is Grandma’s turn to watch her Hindi serial and then its Grandad’s turn. You go to your study and work on your computer.”

I guess that about said it all.

My four year son had taught me a lesson indeed.

I needed to spend less time every evening after work, locked up in my study, working for the whole world, and more time relaxing with my family, which was my whole world.

Will I succeed?

Only time will tell.

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